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Custom APIs

PromptingTools allows you to use any OpenAI-compatible API (eg, MistralAI), including a locally hosted one like the server from llama.cpp.

using PromptingTools
const PT = PromptingTools

Using MistralAI

Mistral models have long been dominating the open-source space. They are now available via their API, so you can use them with PromptingTools.jl!

msg = aigenerate("Say hi!"; model="mistral-tiny")
# [ Info: Tokens: 114 @ Cost: $0.0 in 0.9 seconds
# AIMessage("Hello there! I'm here to help answer any questions you might have, or assist you with tasks to the best of my abilities. How can I be of service to you today? If you have a specific question, feel free to ask and I'll do my best to provide accurate and helpful information. If you're looking for general assistance, I can help you find resources or information on a variety of topics. Let me know how I can help.")

It all just works, because we have registered the models in the PromptingTools.MODEL_REGISTRY! There are currently 4 models available: mistral-tiny, mistral-small, mistral-medium, mistral-embed.

Under the hood, we use a dedicated schema MistralOpenAISchema that leverages most of the OpenAI-specific code base, so you can always provide that explicitly as the first argument:

const PT = PromptingTools
msg = aigenerate(PT.MistralOpenAISchema(), "Say Hi!"; model="mistral-tiny", api_key=ENV["MISTRALAI_API_KEY"])

As you can see, we can load your API key either from the ENV or via the Preferences.jl mechanism (see ?PREFERENCES for more information).

Using other OpenAI-compatible APIs

MistralAI are not the only ones who mimic the OpenAI API! There are many other exciting providers, eg,,

As long as they are compatible with the OpenAI API (eg, sending messages with role and content keys), you can use them with PromptingTools.jl by using schema = CustomOpenAISchema():

# Set your API key and the necessary base URL for the API
api_key = "..."
provider_url = "..." # provider API URL
prompt = "Say hi!"
msg = aigenerate(PT.CustomOpenAISchema(), prompt; model="<some-model>", api_key, api_kwargs=(; url=provider_url))

If you register the model names with `PT.register_model!`, you won't have to keep providing the `schema` manually.

Note: At the moment, we only support aigenerate and aiembed functions.

Using llama.cpp server

In line with the above, you can also use the llama.cpp server.

It is a bit more technically demanding because you need to "compile" llama.cpp first, but it will always have the latest models and it is quite fast (eg, faster than Ollama, which uses llama.cpp under the hood but has some extra overhead).

Start your server in a command line (-m refers to the model file, -c is the context length, -ngl is the number of layers to offload to GPU):

./server -m models/mixtral-8x7b-instruct-v0.1.Q4_K_M.gguf -c 2048 -ngl 99

Then simply access it via PromptingTools:

msg = aigenerate(PT.CustomOpenAISchema(), "Count to 5 and say hi!"; api_kwargs=(; url="http://localhost:8080/v1"))

If you register the model names with `PT.register_model!`, you won't have to keep providing the `schema` manually. It can be any `model` name, because the model is actually selected when you start the server in the terminal.

Using Databricks Foundation Models

You can also use the Databricks Foundation Models API with PromptingTools.jl. It requires you to set ENV variables DATABRICKS_API_KEY (often referred to as "DATABRICKS TOKEN") and DATABRICKS_HOST.

The long way to use it is:

msg = aigenerate(PT.DatabricksOpenAISchema(),
    "Say hi to the llama!";
    model = "databricks-llama-2-70b-chat",
    api_key = ENV["DATABRICKS_API_KEY"], api_kwargs = (; url=ENV["DATABRICKS_HOST"]))

But you can also register the models you're hosting and use it as usual:

# Quick registration of a model
        name = "databricks-llama-2-70b-chat",
        schema = PT.DatabricksOpenAISchema())
PT.MODEL_ALIASES["dllama"] = "databricks-llama-2-70b-chat" # set alias to make your life easier

# Simply call:
msg = aigenerate("Say hi to the llama!"; model = "dllama")
# Or even shorter
ai"Say hi to the llama!"dllama

You can use aiembed as well.

Find more information here.


You can also use the API with PromptingTools.jl. It requires you to set ENV variable TOGETHER_API_KEY.

The corresponding schema is TogetherOpenAISchema, but we have registered one model for you, so you can use it as usual. Alias "tmixtral" (T for and mixtral for the model name) is already set for you.

msg = aigenerate("Say hi"; model="tmixtral")
## [ Info: Tokens: 87 @ Cost: \$0.0001 in 5.1 seconds
## AIMessage("Hello! I'm here to help you. Is there something specific you'd like to know or discuss? I can provide information on a wide range of topics, assist with tasks, and even engage in a friendly conversation. Let me know how I can best assist you today.")

For embedding a text, use aiembed:

aiembed(PT.TogetherOpenAISchema(), "embed me"; model="BAAI/bge-large-en-v1.5")

Note: You can register the model with PT.register_model! and use it as usual.


You can also use the API with PromptingTools.jl. It requires you to set ENV variable FIREWORKS_API_KEY.

The corresponding schema is FireworksOpenAISchema, but we have registered one model for you, so you can use it as usual. Alias "fmixtral" (F for and mixtral for the model name) is already set for you.

msg = aigenerate("Say hi"; model="fmixtral")
## [ Info: Tokens: 78 @ Cost: \$0.0001 in 0.9 seconds
## AIMessage("Hello! I'm glad you're here. I'm here to help answer any questions you have to the best of my ability. Is there something specific you'd like to know or discuss? I can assist with a wide range of topics, so feel free to ask me anything!")

In addition, at the time of writing (23rd Feb 2024), Fireworks is providing access to their new function calling model (fine-tuned Mixtral) for free.

Try it with aiextract for structured extraction (model is aliased as firefunction):

Extract the food from the sentence. Extract any provided adjectives for the food as well.

Example: "I am eating a crunchy bread." -> Food("bread", ["crunchy"])
struct Food
prompt = "I just ate a delicious and juicy apple."
msg = aiextract(prompt; return_type=Food, model="firefunction")
# Output: Food("apple", ["delicious", "juicy"])

For embedding a text, use aiembed:

aiembed(PT.FireworksOpenAISchema(), "embed me"; model="nomic-ai/nomic-embed-text-v1.5")

Note: You can register the model with PT.register_model! and use it as usual.